Short Story: "The Author"
By: Haley Anzures

As I looked up from writing my book, I realized that the coffee shop was going to close soon. I packed my things and drove home. As soon as I stepped inside my apartment, I jumped on the couch and cuddled up, exhausted from writing all day.
Ever since I was a child, I had dreamed of becoming a writer. “Ellie Kaplin” would be a world famous author, loved and adored by millions of readers around the world. That dream was fading slowly, as my writing deteriorated and my passion lost.
How am I supposed to make a living when no one is buying my books?
I thought long and hard about it that night. I was going to have to make a change if things were to get better. I need to refind my love for literature and my passion for writing. Reading will surely get me back into my groove, but I have no time in between writing and working my desk job at the inn.
I wish that I could live inside my books to see the worlds I created inside my head. What a wonderful thing that would be.
I woke up to the crisp morning breeze against my cheeks. The first breath I took was of the fresh morning air, which filled my lungs and gave them life. I felt the cold wet grass underneath me, soaking my clothes. My head was pounding, and as I opened my eyes everything seems blurry. Where was I? I sat up slowly, only to find myself surrounded by massive pine trees that seemed to pierce the cloudy sky above. I sat there for a moment, taking in my surroundings. As I looked into the distance, I realized that the trees kept going for miles, in every direction.
I took a deep breath and tried to focus. I rubbed my eyes and thought for a second. I really took in my surroundings, the sights, the smells. The way the grass felt underneath me and the sounds of the birds chirping above. It was familiar. Too familiar. An overwhelming, haunting thought came over me. I rubbed my eyes once again, and then pinched myself. Looking around once more, I came to an utterly impossible conclusion.
I was in my book.